Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chapter 4 and 5 Vocabulary

  1. Inculcating (95): instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction.
  2. Egalitarian (98): of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.
  3. Espouse (98) : adopt or support ( a cause, belief, or way of life).
  4. Acquiesce (103) : accept something reluctantly but without protest.
  5. Redolent (104) : strongly reminiscent or suggestive of something.
  6. Odium (110) : disgrace over something hated or shameful.
  7. Ebullience (112) : exuberance: overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval.
  8. Pedagogic (114) : of or relating to teaching.
  9. Ingenuity (116) : the quality of being clever, original, and inventive.
  10. Penurious (120) : extremely poor, poverty-stricken.

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